👋 Hey There! I just raised my blog up for the ashes and it started with hosting my files on Github Pages and connecting it to my namecheap domains. I used to host on Google Domains (which was fanstastic) until they sold that part off to Squarespace domains.
The basic blog page layout is available and all using the default Tailwind CSS classes (although there are a few hardcoded style tags). If you are going to use this in your project, you will want to convert the classes into components.
Sed dignissim lectus ut tincidunt vulputate. Fusce tincidunt lacus purus, in mattis tortor sollicitudin pretium. Phasellus at diam posuere, scelerisque nisl sit amet, tincidunt urna. Cras nisi diam, pulvinar ut molestie eget, eleifend ac magna. Sed at lorem condimentum, dignissim lorem eu, blandit massa. Phasellus eleifend turpis vel erat bibendum scelerisque. Maecenas id risus dictum, rhoncus odio vitae, maximus purus. Etiam efficitur dolor in dolor molestie ornare. Aenean pulvinar diam nec neque tincidunt, vitae molestie quam fermentum. Donec ac pretium diam. Suspendisse sed odio risus. Nunc nec luctus nisi. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Duis nec nulla eget sem dictum elementum.
Example of blockquote - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam at ipsum eu nunc commodo posuere et sit amet ligula.
Example code block:
<header class="site-header outer">
<div class="inner">
{{> "site-nav"}}